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Terrifying moments in the service: He pounded on the door and window with a knife in his hand.

Terrifying moments in the service: He pounded on the door and window with a knife in his hand.

27.06.2024 18:32

A person in Antalya attacked a shuttle minibus driven by a driver with whom they had an argument. The person, who was claimed to have a knife in their hand, tried to force the driver out of the minibus, and the terrifying moments on the shuttle were captured on camera.

A person in Antalya caused terrifying moments for the passengers in a service minibus during a traffic argument. The person, who was allegedly holding a knife, tried to force the minibus driver to get off, punching the door and window. These moments were captured on the mobile phone cameras of the female passengers inside the minibus.


The incident took place in the evening in Etiler neighborhood of Muratpaşa district. According to the information obtained, one of the drivers involved in the traffic argument tried to make the minibus driver get off the vehicle. The person, who was allegedly holding a knife, got angry when the minibus driver refused to get off and started punching the door and windows. The angry person was calmed down by the people around, and these terrifying moments were captured on the mobile phone cameras of the frightened passengers inside the minibus.

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