A tragic incident occurred during the traditional bull festival in the town of Enguera, near Valencia. A 60-year-old woman lost her life after being attacked by a bull while crossing the festival area. Footage released by TMZ shows the moment when the woman in the red dress entered the area where the bull was released and the ensuing tragedy. The woman fell to the ground as a result of the bull's attack, suffering a head injury and injuries under her armpit, and was severely injured at the scene. Despite all the interventions from the medical teams, she lost her life while being taken to the hospital. Following the incident, the Enguera Municipality canceled the festival events. Mayor Matilde Marin stated, "Our town is in shock. This tragic event has deeply affected us all." On social media, the inadequacy of security measures at the festival site was harshly criticized. These festivals, known as "Bous al Correr," where bulls are released into the streets, are traditionally held in the Valencia region. Experts note that similar accidents occur every year, and loss of life cannot be prevented. Although local authorities have promised to increase security measures, such incidents continue to happen.