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The baby's father has been proven! The court has put an end to the forbidden love scandal of the former GOOD Party president.

The baby's father has been proven! The court has put an end to the forbidden love scandal of the former GOOD Party president.

25.07.2024 18:00

The case regarding the baby, who was claimed to be the result of a forbidden love affair between Mehmet Başaran, the former Antalya Provincial Chairman of the Good Party, and a woman 34 years younger than him, has been concluded in Antalya. Following the statement of the Forensic Medicine Report stating that Başaran is the father, the court also made its decision. The court determined that Mehmet Başaran is the father of the child and ordered the establishment of a paternal bond.

The lawsuit regarding the baby, who is claimed to be the result of the 'forbidden love' between former Antalya Provincial Chairman of the Good Party, businessman Mehmet Başaran, and a woman 34 years younger than him, has been concluded. After the Forensic Medicine Report stated that Başaran is the father, the court also made its decision. The reasoned decision of the court stated, "It is decided that the defendant Mehmet Başaran is the father of the child D. M. Ş. and the establishment of a kinship between them shall be reported to the relevant civil registry office."


A woman named Elif Ş. in Antalya had applied to the gendarmerie on December 11, 2022, claiming that she was 4 months pregnant and that former Antalya Provincial Chairman of the Good Party, Mehmet Başaran, had pressured her to have an abortion. In her statement to the gendarmerie, Elif Ş. stated that she had been in a relationship with Başaran for about 3 years and that she was 4 months pregnant, claiming that she had been threatened. In response, Başaran claimed that it was a conspiracy and filed a lawsuit against 31st Criminal Court of First Instance against 1,000 members of the Good Party and Elif Ş.


After the news that caused a stir on social media, Mehmet Başaran also made a statement and denied the allegations. In his written statement, Başaran said, "I do not accept any of the accusations attributed to me, despite being faced with an ugly defamation campaign. I am confident that I will be acquitted and I am willing to undergo any test to quickly end this process. It is important that politics does not interfere with the judiciary and vice versa. Since I am also a complainant because of the complaint of the other party, the case will proceed, and in order to protect the integrity of the investigation and prevent any harm to the political party I am a member of, I hereby resign from the position of Provincial Chairman of the Good Party."

The fatherhood of the baby has been proven! The court has made the final decision in the scandal of the former Good Party chairman's forbidden love affair


Despite his statement, Mehmet Başaran, who found himself in a difficult situation, said, "It is an unchanging fact that I will always be a soldier of the Good Party. I will continue my active politics when I am acquitted as a result of these investigations. My wish from the independent Turkish judiciary during this process is for this investigation to be concluded as quickly as possible." Başaran had also become a candidate for Member of Parliament.


Mehmet Başaran, whose 'forbidden love affair' came to light with the application of his girlfriend Elif Ş., had filed a lawsuit against Kamil Korkmaz, a member of the Muratpaşa Municipality Council of the Good Party at that time, and Elif Ş., who collaborated with him, claiming that they were the source of the incident he called a 'conspiracy-attack on reputation'. The 'blackmail' case opened at the 31st Criminal Court of First Instance in Antalya ended on March 11, 2024. At the end of the trial, it was proven that Başaran's allegations were baseless, and Kamil Korkmaz and Elif Ş. were acquitted.

The fatherhood of the baby has been proven! The court has made the final decision in the scandal of the former Good Party chairman's forbidden love affair


Mehmet Başaran, a businessman and politician who denied his biological daughter from his forbidden love affair with Elif Ş., experienced his second shock with the Forensic Medicine Report after losing the 'blackmail' case. As a result of DNA examinations conducted at the Antalya Forensic Medicine Institute, the samples taken from Başaran and the baby D. M. Ş. were found to be a perfect match. According to the report prepared on April 3, 2024, it was stated that Mehmet Başaran could be the biological father of D. M. Ş. with a probability of "99.99 percent".


In its reasoned decision, the court stated that Mehmet Başaran is the father of the child D. M. Ş. according to the DNA test result. The two-page reasoned decision of the court stated the following: "At the end of the open trial of the Paternity (Paternity Lawsuit) case pending before our court, in the summary of the lawsuit petition submitted to our court by the plaintiff's attorney; it is requested that a decision be made to establish kinship between the child D. M. Ş. and the defendant and to report it to the relevant civil registry office, and that the litigation costs and attorney fees be imposed on the defendant."

The fatherhood of the baby has been proven! The court has made the final decision in the scandal of the former Good Party chairman's forbidden love affair

A letter was written to the Izmir Forensic Medicine Institute to prepare a report on whether the biological father of the child is the defendant Mehmet Başaran by extracting the DNA profiles of the defendant. According to the forensic medicine report of the Izmir Forensic Medicine Institute, in summary; it was stated that a comparison was made between the DNA profile of the child D. M. Ş., the reported mother Elif Ş., and the defendant Mehmet Başaran, and as a result, it was determined with a probability of 99.99 percent that Mehmet Başaran is the biological father of D. M. Ş. The case is a paternity case, and since the current forensic medicine report is based on medical data and is suitable for review, and obtaining a new report would not add anything new to the file, it is considered that the case has been proven in accordance with the current forensic medicine report. Therefore, it is decided to accept the lawsuit based on the acceptance of the plaintiff's lawsuit and to report to the relevant civil registry office that Mehmet Başaran is the father of the child D. M. Ş."


Ekin Özmen, the lawyer of the little D. M. Ş., whose biological father was proven to be Mehmet Başaran with the DNA report, stated that the case was filed in 2023 and that the 'Kinship' between the child and Mehmet Başaran had not been established before, saying, "Previously, the kinship between Mehmet Bey and the child had not been established. Therefore, the child had suffered. She continued to use the mother's surname. Due to the conflict of interest between the child and the mother, it was necessary to appoint a guardian ad litem first."

We made an application regarding this. After our application was approved, we filed a paternity lawsuit. The process ended about 2 months ago. Our reasoned decision was issued. It was served to us. According to the DNA report, it was confirmed that the father is Mehmet Başaran," he said.

The father of the baby has been proven! The court has put the final point in the scandal of the former GOOD Party president's forbidden love
Lawyer Ekin Özmen


Özmen emphasized that the case can go to the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, and it has not been finalized yet. "In the DNA report obtained from the official institution, it was decided to establish a parent-child relationship between the father and the child. From this point on, our claim has always been the same. We have proven that the father is Mehmet Başaran. After the decision to obtain a DNA report from the official institution was made during the session break, a DNA report was also obtained from a private institution. Despite this, the father did not take any financial or moral responsibility. He denied it, so our legal struggle will continue. I hope that after the decision is finalized, a parent-child relationship will be established between the child and the father. After the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court process, the decision will be finalized. The child will take the surname of Mehmet Başaran and will also benefit from inheritance rights, custody rights, and alimony rights. We fought our legal battle and we won. We are happy for the child and the process," he said.


Meanwhile, Mehmet Başaran, the former Antalya Provincial Chairman of the GOOD Party and a businessman who was reached by phone, said that he stands behind his previous statements and that the process has unfolded in this way due to the political plot set up against him.


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