Famous sleep consultant Esra Teymur Şimşek was a guest on Rana Topatan's show at Haberler.com Youtube studio. Şimşek provided information about establishing a sleep routine for babies. "BABIES SHOULD BE PUT TO SLEEP HOWEVER THEY WANT DURING THE FIRST 120 DAYS"The sleep consultant stated that sleep training for babies should start after the first 4 months and said, "During the first 120 days, the baby is the boss and should be put to sleep however they want. They should be held as much as they want, breastfed as much as they want. There is a misconception in our country that you shouldn't get the baby used to being held, but don't pay attention to that. Hold them as much as you want. Babies who get enough cuddling during the first 4 months and feel safe there can adapt more easily to sleep training and becoming independent." "TELLING A BABY NOT TO CRY IS LIKE TELLING A PERSON NOT TO SPEAK"Esra Şimşek Teymur stated that Turkish mothers have a high level of compassion and are easily affected by their babies' crying. She said, "Crying is the communication method of babies. Telling a baby not to cry is like telling a person not to speak. The most preferred method to silence babies seems to be breastfeeding, but our goal should not be to silence the baby, but to calm them down. We should observe our baby and understand what they want, what they need." "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE MORE SLEEP-DEPRIVED YOU ARE, THE BETTER MOTHER YOU ARE"Şimşek explained that sleep deprivation is not the fate of mothers and invited them to provide proper sleep training. She said, "All mothers are perfect. There is no such thing as the more sleep-deprived you are, the better mother you are. You need to be happy, stressed, and energetic so that you can be much more beneficial to your baby."