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The first message from Ağıralioğlu, who founded the Key Party: I am not an enemy of power.

The first message from Ağıralioğlu, who founded the Key Party: I am not an enemy of power.

28.10.2024 15:50

Speaking at the promotional event of the Key Party (A Party), which he founded, Yavuz Ağıralioğlu stated, "The problems of our country are not unsolvable. I am not an enemy of the government. For us, politics is not a field for arm wrestling with power."


The application for the establishment of the Key Party (A Party), chaired by former spokesperson and Deputy Chairman Yavuz Ağıralioğlu, who resigned from the Good Party, was submitted to the authorities of the Ministry of Interior.

Starting its political life, the Key Party became Turkey's 158th political party, while Yavuz Ağıralioğlu, speaking at the promotional meeting, conveyed the message, "I am not an enemy of power."

Highlights from Ağıralioğlu's statements;

"Thank God for filling us into these halls with a will like carrying the burden of a country when He says 'Be.' My dear nation, which has endured countless troubles and held on to this homeland with the heavy price paid by a resilient nation in the harsh times of history. Welcome, my brave compatriots, who do not need any title other than being a child of this great nation."

First message from Ağıralioğlu, who founded the Key Party: I am not an enemy of power


The problems of the country are not unsolvable. Our promise is a Turkey that confronts its problems. I am not an enemy of power. Politics is a change of duty where we can serve the nation. We know what to protect. We also know what should be protected but is not in the power of conservatism. We should have entered the second century of the Republic with abundance and prosperity, but we did not. Politics is not an arena for arm wrestling with power for us.

First message from Ağıralioğlu, who founded the Key Party: I am not an enemy of power


I found my nation. I found my nation while thinking darkly that it did not deserve any of the troubles it faced at the beginning of the second century. I say with the feeling that I wish it were an intervention, I wish it were an insurmountable force; this is the result of a political ambition that we could not satisfy in a self-sufficient country. This country could have been enough for 10 Turkeys like itself, but it has not been enough for a class.


I say to my friends who evaluate every party that may arise on the horizon of the country on TV and in newspapers; we are here as those who know what will hold. I declare a will that calms the concerns about 'Will the party hold?' My dear nation should know, and I want my friends to hear our words while they look at the concern of 'Will the party hold?'

First message from Ağıralioğlu, who founded the Key Party: I am not an enemy of power


We are setting out as those who know what to hold on to. We will hold on to the smile of teacher Aybüke Yalçın. We will hold on to the dedication of our Eren, the heroism of Ömer Halisdemir. We will hold on to the dedication of Fethi Sekin. We will hold on to the decency of our people who take off their shoes when getting into an ambulance so that 'the state's ambulance does not get dirty.' Let the nation know what we will hold on to. We will hold on to the wrists and hearts of the heroes who have risked martyrdom in the mountains so that we can speak in peace in these halls. We know what we will hold on to, and we will hold on. We will hold on to justice for those who have lost hope in justice in this country, and we will hold on to the sweat of those who cannot get the rights of what they produce. We will hold on to the callused hands of farmers who work day and night in the fields. We will hold on to the dreams of our children who have entered universities with dreams of job opportunities, but cannot find jobs when difficulties arise. We will hold on to morality, justice, compassion, responsibility, and seriousness.

First message from Ağıralioğlu, who founded the Key Party: I am not an enemy of power


The President speaks as if he came to power in 2024. You know something was tried in the economy. This tried thing was presented in the language of the new economic architect as follows. The Minister of Treasury and Finance said as soon as he took office, 'We will establish the economy on a rational basis.' This statement, referring to the previous period, would have been said by the president if he were in a separate position as 'head of state' and appointed a different president to manage; the president he would appoint would say, 'We will establish the management of the state on a rational basis.'


During the long period of power, I witnessed that there was no word that had not been exhausted, no concept that had not been emptied. There is no name left whose meaning has not been consumed. We found this poverty with the name 'Justice and Development.' The 'Republic' was supposed to meet the people, the country was supposed to develop 'with justice,' 'The Homeland' was supposed to be validated 'with goodness,' 'The Future' was supposed to be strong 'with the future,' our troubles were supposed to find a remedy, and 'Happiness' was supposed to be regained with peace. I told my friends that this fatigue of concepts and words, finding beautiful names, making beautiful speeches, delivering eloquent speeches, and writing extraordinary programs would cause the poverty found by the nation to be a burden on the nation. I said, 'Let our party's name be A Party.' There was a change in the calmness in the eyes of all my friends, they were silent like you. In everyone's heart, it became 'A Party?' I said let’s start from the first letter of the alphabet, let’s start anew. I said this A is its A. I am trying to encourage them, they are as surprised as you. This A is the A of Sultan Alparslan, who entered Anatolia, the A of the Anatolia we transformed into this homeland called the land of Rum. In this blessed homeland where we have established empires for a thousand years, it is the A of the great civilization we established with intelligence, morality, justice, greatness, and dedication. This A is the A of the iron will that did not bow to the seven continents, opened the doors of the Turkish homeland with Alparslan, and sealed it with Atatürk. This is the A of our dedication that does not account to anyone other than this nation and does not accept indebtedness.

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