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The newborn gang scandal has spread to Anatolia! Reports are coming in from Niğde, Sakarya, Kocaeli, and Antalya.

The newborn gang scandal has spread to Anatolia! Reports are coming in from Niğde, Sakarya, Kocaeli, and Antalya.

20.10.2024 10:50

Following the outbreak of the "newborn gang" scandal in Istanbul, it was revealed that some babies transferred to intensive care units in certain private hospitals operating in Niğde, Sakarya, Kocaeli, and Antalya had fake epicrisis reports prepared, resulting in them being kept in the hospital for an extended period and generating unjust profits from the Social Security Institution (SGK). Among these babies, there were also those who suspiciously lost their lives.

Families who have lost their babies in private hospitals across the country and have not received responses to their complaints and reports are worried about having lost their babies due to gangs similar to the one that emerged in Istanbul. Allegations that structures similar to the "Newborn Gang" have also gained unjust profits and caused infant deaths in Niğde, Sakarya, Kocaeli, and Antalya using the same methods are on the agenda.


İbrahim Altan, who lives in Kocaeli, reported that his wife gave birth prematurely at Kocaeli University Hospital on April 23. The baby, Zümranur Altun, born at 32 weeks, underwent surgery for esophageal issues here. However, due to closed nostrils, another surgery was necessary, and she was transferred to Özel F. Hospital in Istanbul via 112. The father, İbrahim Altan, who claims there were many negligence during his child's approximately one-month treatment process, said, "Finally, they wanted to operate on my daughter once again. This surgery was covered by SGK. I objected. In the following process, my daughter passed away. Those responsible should be prosecuted."

Hours before his daughter passed away, İbrahim Altan filed a complaint with CİMER. In his application, Altan stated, "My child was born prematurely. She underwent surgery for her esophagus as a premature baby. After that, due to her closed nostrils, she was transferred to F. Hospital in Istanbul, and since she had a feeding tube because she had surgery on her esophagus. The pediatrician B. E. on duty at F. Hospital removed the tube without knowledge on the first day he came. When I expressed that she was not being well taken care of, they scolded us. With false information, the so-called doctor B. E., who we entrusted our child to, is a doctor dismissed from 'FETÖ'. My child is in the hands of such people. I am complaining about the doctor and the hospital management. I urgently request a transfer for my child, Zümranur Altan. I do not want to leave my child to an ignorant and fake doctor of a treason network. Hear my voice, my child is in a difficult situation." However, just hours after his complaint, baby Zümranur passed away.


After the death of his baby, İbrahim Altan went to the Firuzköy Şehit Ilgız Aykutlu Police Station on July 7, 2024, to file a complaint for "manslaughter by negligence." Altan's complaint states: "My daughter was born at Kocaeli University Hospital on April 23. She was born at 32 weeks. The day after her birth, she underwent surgery at the same hospital because her esophagus and trachea were connected. A week later, she was started on milk. Then it was said that 'she needs to be transferred to another hospital because her nasal bones are closed.' Until the transfer, she was being fed with 600 cc of milk daily. About three weeks later, she was transferred, and on June 5, she was transferred to Özel F. Hospital. The transfer to this hospital was not our choice; 112 transferred us here. She was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit at this hospital. She had a milk tube attached, which was removed by a doctor named B. E. I learned about this a week later. When I asked the doctor B. E. why it was removed, he said, 'I had to remove it, I removed it.' Following that, he told me, 'I forcibly reinserted a small tube.' A few days passed, and he removed the tube he claimed to have reinserted. When I asked, he said that she was given about 15 cc of milk, which she vomited back.

Previously, my child had been receiving 600 cc of milk, and there was no such situation. I think this tube that was inserted later was not properly placed. After this tube was removed, I was told, 'An operation is necessary to widen the esophagus. We do not have sufficient facilities for this; it needs to be done at another hospital.' On June 30, we arrived at Başakşehir Çam Sakura Hospital. They told me at Çam Sakura, 'She can be fed in two hours.' The doctor named B. E. told me, 'I will feed her the next day.' When I objected, he said, 'I made that decision.' The next day, my child could not be fed again because she was vomiting. For the next five days, they could not feed her. Five days later, the doctor named B. E. said he would wash the child's stomach and did wash it, but they still did not feed her. In this situation, on July 5, I stated that I wanted a transfer for both the doctor named B. E. and the hospital official named Z. They spoke to me in a rude manner every time. After the feeding tube that was inserted for my child to be fed through surgery was removed, she could not be fed, and because she could not be fed, she passed away today, July 7, around 16:00. I want an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death of my child. I am filing a complaint against the doctor named B. E. and the officials of Özel F. Hospital, whom I believe have negligence in my child's death." Months have passed since Altan's complaint, but there has been no development regarding the issue.


Reyhan Öcal, who gave birth at Özel H. Hospital in Niğde on May 18, 2022, also claimed that her baby's death was suspicious. Speaking to ANKA News Agency, Öcal stated that they were told her baby needed to stay in an incubator because she was diabetic, but there were difficulties in breathing. Öcal said, "My baby stayed in the incubator for 15 days. On the 16th day, suddenly, doctor M. F. Ş. said, 'Your baby has developed pathological jaundice and her liver and kidneys may fail.' On the 17th day, they told me that my baby had passed away. My baby died on June 4. The death report stated 'natural death.' When the doctor prepared this report, he asked for my baby's identity and said, 'This will stay with me,' and did not return the identity to me," she said. A complaint was made about the same doctor regarding the death of the Oturak family's baby, who was born at Özel G. Y. Hospital in 2023. The baby named Ediz Yekta Oturak, born on June 18, 2023, reportedly died on August 29 at the age of 72 days due to incorrect medication treatments, excessive potassium loading, and insufficient care while being treated in the neonatal intensive care unit at the same hospital, according to the family's claims. The family started a petition campaign titled "Justice for our babies killed in the intensive care unit" on change.org.


A complaint notification entered by a user named Safiye on complaint sites on the internet regarding the same hospital also drew attention to similar allegations. The user, who claimed to have lost her baby due to incorrect treatment at the hospital, wrote that she was using insulin because she was diabetic, and due to her doctor's increase in the insulin dose during her 29th week of pregnancy, her baby's heart rate accelerated, leading to premature birth. In the complaint, she stated, "I lost my baby due to incorrect treatment. I do not forgive you for a single penny of the money I gave you. You are the reason I lost my baby. May your insides burn as you burned mine. I will take the necessary actions."

"This will not remain like this," it was written.


The baby of a citizen named Kamil Tan, living in Sakarya, was born on November 28, 2018, at Özel B. Hospital in Adapazarı. Tan was informed that his baby needed to stay in an incubator for a while and that this was a routine procedure. Speaking to ANKA News Agency, Tan described the process as follows: "About 10 hours later, we were told that 'the baby must be urgently transferred to a hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit,' and we were taken to Kocaeli Özel A. Hospital by ambulance. At that time, we were told, 'There is nothing to worry about, it's routine procedures.' When we arrived at the hospital, we were told, 'Your child is about to die.' We stayed at Özel A. Hospital for two nights. The doctor said throughout the night at intervals that the baby's condition was worsening, and it was stated that the problem was diagnosed as pulmonary hypertension due to lung development issues. Although there was no hope for a final treatment, in the morning, they asked us for about 3,500 TL for nitric oxide gas treatment, which was not covered by SGK. Although they said they would issue an invoice, they did not do so later. Then, if the relevant doctor was available on the same day, the transfer for the operation was made to Özel G. Y. Hospital. Here, on November 30, my baby died a few hours later. After the burial procedures, when I entered the chief physician's office to request my baby's treatment documents, I was told that I could take the documents. The doctor next to him then asked for a little permission, and when he re-entered the room 5 minutes later, I was met with the reaction, 'We are not giving the documents, go complain to whoever you want.' As a result, they did not provide me with any information."

"There are negligence in my baby's death. We lost our baby, who appeared healthy at birth and was said by the nurse to be 'just a little tired, we will take him for rest,' without being able to hold him in our arms," said Tan, who filed a criminal complaint with the Sakarya Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. However, the prosecutor's office decided there was no basis for prosecution.


Suna Serik, the wife of Sancak Serik, gave birth by cesarean section at 33 weeks at Özel M. P. Hospital in Antalya on September 20, 2017. The baby, who was born weighing 2,120 grams, was said to be healthy at birth, but shortly after, was taken to the neonatal intensive care unit on the same day. Father Sancak Serik said, "Suddenly, Dr. M. G. came to us and said our child would be taken to the lower floor (neonatal intensive care unit). However, we were told that our baby was healthy at birth. But the epicrisis report states that our baby was intubated from the moment of birth. Additionally, the report states that my child worsened day by day and remained in intensive care until October 3. However, my child was never connected to a machine. There are also photos available. In the last week, he was taken to the discharge section. On the morning of October 3, I was suddenly called and told that my child had died. My baby had passed away at 01:00 at night. However, they told us in the morning. After losing my baby, I filed a criminal complaint with the Antalya Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. Unfortunately, a decision of no basis for prosecution was made. After the recent news, I will request the reopening of the case. There are negligence in my child's death. I do not want another child to experience this."

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