In the New Year's Special program of the Sleepless Club broadcasted on TV100, striking moments occurred. In the dialogue between Okan Bayülgen, Hande Kazanova, Emre Altuğ, and Doğu Demirkol, Emre Altuğ responded to Bayülgen's comment about zodiac signs, "There is not a single thief sign. There is not a single sign that is unsuccessful in bed," by saying, "Is being unsuccessful in bed about falling out of bed for that sign?" "CAN'T THEY HOLD THE BED?"At that moment, Doğu Demirkol's expression "Can't they hold the bed?" caused laughter; Hande Kazanova used the sentence, "Of course, there are when you look at it individually." "WHY ISN'T IT THE OPPOSITE?"In the continuation of the dialogue, Bayülgen said, "There is not a single thief sign, there is not a single sign that is unsuccessful in bed. For example, one sign may be characterless, emotional, or a workaholic. As Aries, our high sexual side (despite my ugliness) is one of the characteristics of Aries. So why isn't it the opposite? It is not said that Pisces is not sexy, for example," he stated. In response to Doğu Demirkol's words, "Virgos are not," Hande Kazanova replied, "Virgos are the sign that uses logic the most in this life. There is no logic in love. Virgo is a sign that always likes to secure themselves. They don't easily open up. Is that right, Mr. Doğu?"