The actor Uğur Taşdemir, known for his Turkish dubbing of characters in foreign series and movies, passed away at the age of 58. VOICE ARTIST UĞUR TAŞDEMİR HAS PASSED AWAYIn a statement from the Actors Union's X social media account, it was stated, "We are deeply saddened by the loss of our esteemed member Uğur Taşdemir. We extend our condolences to his family and all his loved ones. May he rest in peace." The artist, who had been receiving intensive care treatment in the intensive care unit for some time due to an illness, will be laid to rest in Başıbüyük Cemetery after the funeral prayer at Moda Mosque on July 30th. WHO IS UĞUR TAŞDEMİR?The artist, whose full name is Aykut Uğur Taşdemir, was born in Yozgat in 1965. Taşdemir, who graduated from Istanbul University's Department of Finance, turned to art due to his interest in theater and participated in amateur theater groups. The artist, who played roles in groups such as Deneysel Sanatlar Merkezi and Masal Gerçek Tiyatrosu, performed in Çığır Sahne in 2005 and Tiyatro Fora in 2006. Taşdemir, who started his career in cinema in 1989, appeared in many productions such as "Kurtlar Vadisi", "Doktorlar", "Filinta", "Halka", "Acı Hayat", "Acı Hayat", and "İnce İnce Yasemince". The talented artist, known for his successful dubbing in Turkish of series and movies such as "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Joseph", "Squid Game", "Better Call Saul", "BoJack Horseman", "Breaking Bad", also provided education at the Federal Film Academy and Başkent Communication Sciences Academy. In addition to hosting the documentaries "Sürç-i Lisan", "Sesin Yüzleri", and "İşte O Ses Röportajları", he also produced Uğur Veli's documentary "Su Savaşları".