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We asked the people of Bursa for their definition of love.

We asked the people of Bursa for their definition of love.

27.09.2024 14:41

Various answers were given to the question "What is love and have you ever been in love?" posed on the streets of Bursa. While some citizens described love as "a pointless endeavor," others pointed out that economic conditions affect love. There were also interesting responses such as, "My husband gives me money; I would love him even if he didn't, but I fall more in love when he does." Some argued that love is only possible with loyalty, trust, and a deep connection, while others expressed that love leads to disappointment.

In the Bursa Street Interviews series, we asked the question, 'What is love and have you ever been in love?'


Some participants in the interview viewed love as "a disease with no cure," while others associated love with loyalty and trust. A citizen who said, "Love is loyalty, trust, and being in love," argued that love is only possible with a deep connection. Another perspective was, "Love is ignoring everything, good and bad; it is a feeling of mutual belonging."

We asked the people of Bursa to define love


Some citizens associated love with unfulfilled dreams. A person who said, "Love is hope, it is a dream, but my dreams did not come true; I am trying to settle for love," expressed that love has been replaced by disappointment. Others emphasized that love is a feeling that integrates with affection and is too deep to be described.

We asked the people of Bursa to define love


Another perspective was that love is accepting all aspects of a person, both good and bad. In this understanding of love, which is nourished by a sense of mutual belonging, it was emphasized that individuals should feel connected to each other in every way.

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