World-renowned Luka Peros, known for his role as "Marsilya" in the globally famous series "La Casa de Papel," is stepping into a new project. Peros will join the cast of the series "Mehmed: The Conqueror Sultan" and will portray the character of Commander Giovanni Giustiniani. The series "Mehmed: The Conqueror Sultan," which tells the life of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror, is returning with a surprise-filled cast for its second season. While the excitement continues on TRT 1, new surprising additions have come to the forefront. HE WILL HAVE A CRITICAL ROLE IN THE SERIESAccording to journalist Birsen Altuntaş, in addition to the famous Hollywood actor Ghassan Massoud, Luka Peros, known for his character Marsilya in "La Casa de Papel," has also joined the cast of the series. Peros will meet the audience starting from the 18th episode of the series and will portray the character of Commander Giovanni Giustiniani, who played a critical role in the defense of the city during the last days of the Byzantine Empire at the time of the Ottoman conquest of Istanbul.