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The President of MIT, Kalin, met with Hamas leader Haniye. The President of MIT, Kalin, met with Hamas leader Haniye.

The President of MIT, Ibrahim Kalin, had a phone conversation with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. During the conversation, they discussed the Israel-Hamas ceasefire process, hostage exchange, and the steps to be taken for delivering humanitarian aid. Additionally, Kalin expressed his condolences to Haniyeh for the loss of his sister in the Israeli attack and stated that Turkey will continue to stand by the Palestinian people.

He passed away due to a heart attack while at the hairdresser on the day of his appointment. He passed away due to a heart attack while at the hairdresser on the day of his appointment.

Tuğçe, a 29-year-old woman from Elazığ, went to the hairdresser to prepare for the evening engagement ceremony. However, she suffered a heart attack. The unfortunate girl, who was taken to the hospital, lost her life on what should have been her happiest day.

The car, which entered the gas station by flipping over, stopped just before hitting the pump. The car, which entered the gas station by flipping over, stopped just before hitting the pump.

A car in Bursa veered out of control and flipped over, entering a gas station. The car was dragged for 50 meters before it could come to a stop next to the pump. The injured driver was taken to the hospital.

Denial of investigation allegations to Beykoz Chief Public Prosecutor, who is the cousin of Fahrettin Altun. Denial of investigation allegations to Beykoz Chief Public Prosecutor, who is the cousin of Fahrettin Altun.

The allegations that an investigation has been launched against Barış Duman, the cousin of the Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun and the Chief Public Prosecutor of Beykoz, have been denied by the Presidency's Communication Directorate Disinformation Combat Center.

Four women fought on the tramway in Antalya. Four women fought on the tramway in Antalya.

Three young women in Muratpaşa district of Antalya attacked an older woman on the tramway road. The surrounding citizens had difficulty separating the fighting women. The moments were captured on camera.

The indictment of the secret witness has been completed in the investigation of Ayhan Bora Kaplan! A lawsuit is being filed against the police. The indictment of the secret witness has been completed in the investigation of Ayhan Bora Kaplan! A lawsuit is being filed against the police.

The indictment regarding the investigation of Ayhan Bora Kaplan, the number two figure and secret witness of the investigation, and the "government conspiracy" allegations made by Serdar Sertçelik, has been completed for 6 police officers and 11 suspects. When the indictment is accepted, the police officers who are considered suspects will be tried for crimes such as "abuse of power", "disclosure of official secrets", "favoring the guilty", and "attempting to influence the witness".

A vehicle crashing into pedestrians knocked down an electric pole: 5 injured. A vehicle crashing into pedestrians knocked down an electric pole: 5 injured.

The car, whose driver lost control, first hit a pedestrian walking on the side of the road and then crashed into an electricity pole in Istanbul Avcılar. The electricity pole fell onto the pedestrians. 5 people, including 1 child, were injured in the accident. It was stated that 3 of the injured are in critical condition.

Israel re-entered and attacked the area it withdrew from in Gaza: 13 Palestinians lost their lives. Israel re-entered and attacked the area it withdrew from in Gaza: 13 Palestinians lost their lives.

The Israeli army launched a new attack by re-entering the area they withdrew from in the morning in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. In the attack, which used drones and artillery, 13 Palestinians lost their lives and many people, including journalists, were injured.

The workers who did not receive their wages threw down the construction materials. The workers who did not receive their wages threw down the construction materials.

Workers working on a luxury construction site in Sarıyer, Istanbul, staged a protest claiming that their wages were not paid. The workers climbed up to the top floor of the construction and threw down the materials. Police teams who arrived at the construction site detained the workers.

Live broadcast confession from Sinan Oğan: Kılıçdaroğlu told me, 'We won't be able to govern, there will be a crisis.' Live broadcast confession from Sinan Oğan: Kılıçdaroğlu told me, 'We won't be able to govern, there will be a crisis.'

Oğan, who supported the People's Alliance in the second round of the Presidential elections in 2023, revealed the details of his meeting with former CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu during the election period in a live television broadcast he attended. Oğan said, "I asked Kılıçdaroğlu, 'In a narrowly won election where we don't have the parliament behind us, how will we govern this country?'" He added, "He told me, 'We won't be able to govern, it will create a crisis.'"

Switzerland, who defeated Italy in the quarter-finals of Euro 2024, became the first quarter-finalist in 31 years. Switzerland, who defeated Italy in the quarter-finals of Euro 2024, became the first quarter-finalist in 31 years.

In the Round of 16 of the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship (EURO 2024), Switzerland faced Italy. Switzerland, defeating Italy with a score of 2-0 after 31 years, became the first quarter-finalist of the tournament.

Forest fire in 5 districts of Izmir! Minister Yumaklı in the region. Forest fire in 5 districts of Izmir! Minister Yumaklı in the region.

Forest fires continue to be fought in the districts of Cesme, Menderes, Menemen, Selcuk, and Torbali in Izmir. Due to the fire in Selcuk, the Selcuk-Kusadasi road has been closed to vehicle traffic. After intervention, transportation has started to be provided under control. Two hotels and houses in the neighborhood in Kusadasi, where the fire is spreading, and the animal shelter belonging to Selcuk Municipality have been evacuated. Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Ibrahim Yumakli, also traveled to Izmir to inspect the fires on-site.

The citizen was asked, 'Is the minimum wage sufficient?' The given answer will make the government think. The citizen was asked, 'Is the minimum wage sufficient?' The given answer will make the government think.

While the government's statements about no interim raise in the minimum wage are still fresh, the citizens who empower the government were asked, "Do you find the minimum wage sufficient?" Approximately 78% of the participating citizens stated that the wage is insufficient.

Fire in agricultural land in Çanakkale! 2 villages are being evacuated. Fire in agricultural land in Çanakkale! 2 villages are being evacuated.

While intervention continues for the forest fire that affected three districts in Izmir, a fire news also came from Çanakkale. Aerial and ground intervention was initiated to extinguish the forest fire that broke out in agricultural land in Ezine district. The evacuation of Yeniköy and Üvecik villages, which are threatened by the flames, has also started as a precaution.

Former Greek Prime Minister Tsipras made a Turkish call at the university graduation ceremony in Istanbul. Former Greek Prime Minister Tsipras made a Turkish call at the university graduation ceremony in Istanbul.

Former Greek Prime Minister and former leader of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, attended Koç University's graduation ceremony and used striking statements. Greek politician Tsipras referred to the Gezi Protests and addressed the graduates in Turkish, saying "Do not bow down." Tsipras also quoted Nazım Hikmet during his speech.

Imamoğlu addressed CHP members with a photo of Atatürk from 1930, saying: 'We should look at the citizens and each other in this way.' Imamoğlu addressed CHP members with a photo of Atatürk from 1930, saying: 'We should look at the citizens and each other in this way.'

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Imamoglu emphasized the necessity of conducting intra-party competition in a brotherly and democratic manner under all circumstances, recalling a photograph taken of Ataturk in 1930. Imamoglu said, "We must be able to look at each other with the same sensitivity that Ataturk had when he looked at the citizens in the photograph taken in Tokat." He also pointed out the need to confront mistakes, stating, "We must put our own house in order."

The Ministry and the Governorship intervened and obtained a yield of 400 tons from the lands where it was said that strawberries could not grow in one year. The Ministry and the Governorship intervened and obtained a yield of 400 tons from the lands where it was said that strawberries could not grow in one year.

In Ağrı, with the "Touch to Strawberry Project" financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Ağrı Governorate to increase farmers' income and diversify agricultural production in the region, the people of the region were delighted. 400 tons of yield were obtained from the soil that was said to be unsuitable for strawberry cultivation. Ağrı Governor Mustafa Koç, who participated in the strawberry harvest with the farmers, said, "Considering the market conditions, we expect our farmers to earn a revenue of around 16 million Turkish liras from here."

Attack on vehicle carrying election ballot boxes in Iran: 2 dead, 5 injured. Attack on vehicle carrying election ballot boxes in Iran: 2 dead, 5 injured.

An armed attack was carried out on a vehicle carrying ballot boxes filled with votes during the presidential elections in Iran. In the incident, 2 police officers lost their lives, and 5 ballot box officials were injured.

Giant Snake Panic in Construction Site in Elazığ Giant Snake Panic in Construction Site in Elazığ

A black snake measuring over 3 meters was spotted in a construction site in Elazığ. Workers, who poured sand on it to check if the snake was alive, panicked when the snake started moving. After a while, the snake disappeared from sight.

Forest fire in 3 districts in Izmir! 1 neighborhood evacuated, road closed to traffic. Forest fire in 3 districts in Izmir! 1 neighborhood evacuated, road closed to traffic.

A fire broke out in a forested area in the Menderes district of Izmir for reasons yet to be determined. While intervention continues from the air and land, the Çamönü neighborhood, located near the flames, was evacuated. Some citizens took precautions against the fire by using hoses to spray water on their roofs, vehicles, and lands. Due to a forest fire in Çeşme, the Çeşme-Izmir highway was closed for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, another fire news came from Selçuk. The Selçuk-Kuşadası road was closed to traffic due to the fire.

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